I tend to fall off blogging when I'm going through trying periods. 2022 started with a string of bad news, including contracting COVID (post-vaccination). I've been stuck in perpetual catch-up mode ever since.
I don't love writing, or even journaling, when life is strained. At what point do you call more bad luck or struggle into your life by identifying with it a bit too much? In the manifestation realm there's a great deal of focus on the power of the spoken word; speaking what you want into existence. The general rule is to be especially cautious with your use of "I am" statements. I am wealthy! I am worthy! Are preferred to, say, I am a failure! I am so unlucky!
But....how do we authentically experience (and share) our struggles and trauma without identifying with them? Are we calling more in through the use of our words, be it in despair or complaint? Is it true the Universal All is always listening? And anyway...is manifestation actually transformative or utterly delusional?
It goes without saying that I don't have the answers. What I do know is that the Universe doesn't have a personal vendetta against anyone, regardless of its tendency to strike thrice with the lightning of bad luck. We need struggle to build character, right?! (Who even said this infamous quote? It's oft repeated but I don't know its origin)
I've written many times before about staying soft in hard times, so I won't expound too much. All in all, shit begets growth. Things will get better as they always do. Both feet on the ground, hand on heart, let it be. As Vonnegut succinctly said, "So it goes."
Nothing is ever one way- despite the tornado of trouble that 2022 has been thus far, there have been good days amongst the rubble. Photographic evidence below from a few recent adventures. After years of avoiding the quintessential PNW activity-skiing, I finally tried x-country and absolutely loved it. *gasp*
Claire's thrifted jacket received dozens of compliments |
Looking out on the Enchantments from Manastash Ridge |
Alex enjoying a new region |
More to come soon after my trip to Sedona. Ready for a full week of Dad Days!
"In life you have to learn to count the good days. You have to tuck them in your pocket and carry them around with you. So I'm putting today in my pocket and I'm off to bed."
-Richard Osman
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